Sudoku Puzzle Text Strings
Sudoku puzzles are comprised of 81 numbers for a complete solution and the given numbers may be supplied in the form of a Sudoku Puzzle Text string where the blanks are represented by dots or zeros.
Medium Sudoku text string puzzle
..32....6....4..9.1.2...5..7...29.... Sudoku text string puzzles
3...8.......7....51..............36...2..4....7...........6.13..452...........8..The World's Hardest Sudoku Puzzle is effortlessly solved by our algorithm. Here is the puzzle string for it: ..53.....8......2..7..1.5..4....53...1..7...6..32...8..6.5....9..4....3......97..
Try to solve these Sudoku puzzles with the Sudoku Assistant App